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We the members of ALPHA KAPPA RHO INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN SERVICE FRATERNITY AND SORORITY,, beseech for the guidance of ALL MIGHTY GOD, that we conscientiously uphold the value of true brotherhood and compassion. To always seek the TRUTH, to love, promote, and preserve peace and the welfare of brotherhood. And to support the remain loyal to the tenets of this ORDER and above all, to commit ourselves to building a stronger bond with family, community and country.

Alive we shall keep the burning fire as an AKRHO.
Omnia Dencit Veritas (Truth conquers all)
Vincit Omnio Veritas (APO Master)
Vincit Delta Veritas ( A leader is always a leader)
I born, I live, I die as an AKRHO.
To die is to rest but AKRHO is the best.
If you want peace ,I'll Give you a peace, If you want war,I'll give you 'war' funeral.

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